We manage all
Employer of Record
Hire who you want, wherever you want. Save time, skip the red tape.
Benefits & Compliance
Mitigate risk by ensuring all temp, contractors and IC hires comply with local laws.
Vetted Talent Pools
Redeploy previous FlexTalent or source new ones through our platform.
Software when you want it, a real person when you need it.
We like technology, but we love customer service. We will always pick up the phone when you need an answer quick.
Need to fill a few more reqs for an upcoming project?
Search through our vetted database of workers. We believe in Quality over Quantity. All of our Talent in our community has their previous roles verified and has worked through Reach Talent previously.
Need to bring back the same FlexTalent for another project or assignment?
Check their availability through our platform and redeploy them on your team in just a few clicks.
Request a Demo
No pressure sales. Our goal is to understand your workflow and show you the best solutions we can offer.
Our Philosophy
Source candidates through our Talent Pool, Lake and Ocean or post a role to our exclusive FlexTalent job board for free.